Sunday, July 8, 2012

Spoiled lazy people

Okay, Im super frustrated right now. I'm just fucking mad upset! Therefore, Im going to vent on my blog here.So if you don't like reading people's venting. Stop reading right now!

Fuck maan, seriously??? I just can't fucking stand people who are so lazy, spoiled and negative. They all the time fucking write negative stuff, talk about their "miserable" life, and just complain overall. God, just do something about your issues. If you are not willing to change your life or work hard toward what you want, then obviously success is not gonna come to you when you are just sitting home on your fucking lazy ass. SeriouslY???? Fuck stop complaining and stop wallowing in self pity when other people's life is so much worser than yours. You know what I think of you now? I think you are stupid spoiled idiot who has nothing else to do except complain and talk shit about other people. So starting from today, I am not going to talk to you or keep in touch with you. I think its better for my nerves and health. Just annoyed the shit out of me. Why people are so negative?? When you have such a good life, you complain about it? Wtf? What about other people? You just don't know how in real life people suffer yet they become stronger, the ones who survived. If you can't be strong, positive and smart, when I am being so nice to you, and you treat me like shit, then finito! I am not going to be nice or kind to you. You will see what kind of a bitch i am. I don't like being associated with weak, lazy, sleazy, bitchy, negative, spoiled, jealous losers! So fuck off! There! Ugh, this has been on my mind for a while now! Feels good to vent. I just wish my bf would get here soon.